Name Nobel Prize Category Year Awarded
Cajal, Santiago Ramon Y Medicine 1906
Calvin, Melvin Chemistry 1961
Camus, Albert Literature 1957
Canetti, Elias Literature 1981
Capecchi, Mario R Medicine 2007
Carducci, Giosue Literature 1906
Carlsson, Arvid Medicine 2000
Carrel, Alexis Medicine 1912
Carter, Jimmy Jr. Peace 2002
Cassin, Rene Peace 1968
Cech, Thomas R. Chemistry 1989
Cecil, Lord Edgar Algernon Robert Gascoyne Peace 1937
Cela, Camilo Jose Literature 1989
Chadwick, Sir James Physics 1935
Chain, Sir Ernst Boris Medicine 1945
Chalfie, Martin Chemistry 2008
Chamberlain, Owen Physics 1959
Chamberlain, Sir Austen Peace 1925
Chandrasekhar, Subramanyan Physics 1983
Charpak, Georges Physics 1992
Chauvin, Yves Chemistry 2005
Cherenkov, Pavel Alekseyevich Physics 1958
Chu, Steven Physics 1997
Churchill, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Literature 1953
Ciechanover, Aaron Chemistry 2004
Claude, Albert Medicine 1974
Clintock, Barbara Mc Medicine 1983
Coase, Ronald H. Economics 1991
Coatzee, John Maxwell Literature 1991
Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas Physics 1951
Cohen, Stanley Medicine 1986
Cohen-Tannoudji, Claude Physics 1997
Compton, Arthur Holly Physics 1927
Cooper, Leon N. Physics 1972
Corey, Elias James Chemistry 1990
Cori, Carl Ferdinand Medicine 1947
Cori, Gerty Theresa Medicine 1947
Cormack, Alan M. Medicine 1979
Cornell, Eric A. Physics 2001
Cornforth, Sir John Warcup Chemistry 1975
Corrigan, Mairead Peace 1976
Cournand, Andre Frederic Medicine 1956
Cram, Donald J. Chemistry 1987
Cremer, Sir William Randal Peace 1903
Crick, Francis Harry Compton Medicine 1962
Cronin, James W. Physics 1980
Crutzen, Paul Chemistry 1995
Curie, Marie Chemistry 1911
Curie, Marie Physics 1903
Curie, Pierre Physics 1903
Curl, Robert F., Jr. Chemistry 1996

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